Purchases may be made by sending cash (no coins!) to our postal address, or via Paypal (contact us for details).

Shipping: 1-5 zines, add $1 per zine. Large or international orders, contact us.

GZAGG Button Or Sticker
Show your support with a button or sticker!
(50 cents)

GZAGG Press Kit Zine
Intrested in us but don't know where to begin? Order our official press kit! Filled with intriguing bio pages, GZAGG in the media, our articles for the San Diego Free Press, and our extensive resume of workshops and events.



Let's DIY!
A D.I.Y. how-to zine about putting on your own workshops!


Let's DIY #2 Off The Page: Taking Zine-Making To The Community
A D.I.Y. how-to zine about how to collaborate with community groups to expand your zine workshop possibilities.



Zine Capsule: Zine Collecting for the Future
DIY archiving for the at-home collector! This basic guide gives tips on how to preserve your zine collection for future generations. Includes tips for budget archives materials and suggestions for cataloging. Save those zines!
24 pages


GZAGG Tshirt
what every diehard GZAGG supporter needs. sizes from youth L to adult XXL. specify size in the paypal notes section. (real shirt not cut up like in the picture Ari just has a problem with ruining her clothes!)

($8.00) Out Of Stock

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